Fees and Sponsorship


Unit Fees

Tuition fees are set each year by the University of Divinity and are standard across all the college of the University. Fees are charged on the basis of a “unit fee” which covers the teaching for one unit of study for one semester. This fee is all inclusive and covers tuition, library access, and student facilities.

Undergraduate: $2,047 per 18-point unit
Postgraduate: $3,172 per 24-point unit
Audit of Coursework: $550 per unit (excludes library access).


Fee Payment Options

Students have a number of fee payment options depending on the course or unit in which they are enrolled:

  • Upfront payment of fees: Students can choose to pay upfront by credit card, cheque or BPay.
  • Online:  Students can pay their fees online via the University’s payment portal.
  • FEE-HELP: Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa may defer the payment of University of Divinity fees through the FEE-HELP loan scheme. For more information go to: www.studyassist.gov.au

See more information about fee payment options at the University of Divinity Fees page.



The Parishes of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions and St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College offer sponsorship to potential students.


Parish Sponsorship

Each Parish of the Diocese offers two ongoing sponsorships on a rolling basis; i.e. as one student completes their course, another student may be admitted.

Selection Criteria

  • A baptised member of the Coptic Orthodox Church and actively involved in his/her local congregation;
  • A history of service and leadership qualities
  • Articulation of how theological studies will benefit them and their community
  • Some level of financial need
  • The Parish Priest will recommend who will be awarded the sponsorship at his discretion in liaison with the Principal of SAC.


  • Sponsorship recipients must enrol in at least one unit per semester
  • Sponsorship recipients must pass all units to maintain the sponsorship


St Mary’s College Sponsorship

St Mary’s College sponsors five alumni students annually, on a rolling basis i.e. as one student completes their studies another student will be admitted.

Selection Criteria

  • This sponsorship is open to all alumni (former students) of St Mary’s College. Students will be sponsored for up to four units per year and as one student completes their studies another will be admitted.
  • A genuine interest in studying theology at SAC.
  • A firm commitment to completing the entire course of study
  • Evidence of ministry to the church
  • Some level of financial hardship


  • Sponsorship recipients must enrol in at least one unit per semester
  • Sponsorship recipients must pass all units to maintain the sponsorship


How to apply for a sponsorship :

Students must complete a Sponsorship Request Form. The forms will be collected and where places are available students will be chosen on merit according to the criteria listed above.  Students will be notified within 14 days of the closing date for applications.

Parish Sponsorship Request Form

St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Alumni Sponsorship Request Form


Closing date for sponsorship requests:

  • Semester 1 : January 31
  • Semester 2 : June 30