Understanding the Family: A Christian Perspective (DP2610A)

understanding the family

Semester: 1, 2022 (21 Feb – 27 May)

Time: 6:30pm-9:30pm

Campus: N/A

Mode: Online

Level: Undergraduate Level 2

Credit: 18

Census: 15 March 2022

13 weekly sessions offered in asynchronous and synchronous modes combining live and pre-recorded lectures, group discussions, readings and online forums

This unit offers an introduction to the understanding of family life. Insights from the Social Sciences will be informed and critiqued by cultural and theological themes. The different phases of married life and the characteristics of each phase of the life cycle will be explored. Specific focus issues in the pastoral care of families and family ministry will be addressed. The course will outline the factors that contribute to family wellbeing and review those factors that challenge spiritual health and family integrity. Christian and Scriptural teaching on the family will be integrated with these theories. An important focus will be the role of the family in providing a sacred space of ‘safe holding’ that encourages and nurtures the spiritual formation of children in faith.

Learning outcomes
  • Articulate an understanding of the intra-familial dynamics from a pastoral, spiritual and theological Christian perspective
  • Identify and describe the different family stages and illustrate the dynamics involved in each
  • Identify the roles and complementary tasks of family members, and through case study reflection describe how the family can nurture the Christian formation of children
  • Describe and theologically reflect upon the cultural, sociological, spiritual and developmental challenges presented to families and develop appropriate pastoral responses within their own context
Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Invigilated exam Exam 2 hours 50
Written assessment Essay 1,000 15
Written assessment Essay 1,500 35

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